A community such as Merifield Acres doesn’t just happen – it is caused. Much of what we enjoy on a daily basis (and take for granted, too) is the result of the dedication and energy of a large number of persons who voluntarily contributed their time and talent over the years. It’s not possible to recognize these many contributors who established Merifield Acres and nurtured its development, but we can recognize those who are currently giving of themselves to maintaining and improving this wonderful community of ours. The persons listed below have made, and are making, significant contributions during the year between annual meetings. On behalf of all of us, we thank them for what they are doing.
Related: Please also see Board of Directors and Officers.

Committee Assignments and Origin of Authority for 2023

CommitteeMembers *Chair Date Est.Type Establishing Authority
ArchitecturalAlan Weyman*
Marc Carney
Ed Brown
1976PermanentMALA, Inc & Prior Covenants.
Committee operates independently of the Board.* The Chair of the Committee is an ex-officio Member of the MALA Board.
FinanceKathy Compton*
Meriwether Lewis
Paula Berrios
Annie Hensley
1999PermanentEstablished by Bylaws. Treasurer by default is a member of this Committee.
Aviation & AirportKevin Shelton*
Meriwether Lewis
Bob Rivers
StandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
Appearance &
Chip Overton*StandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
Bylaws CommitteeLucky Covati*
Rusty Bishop
Art Divens
Ern Mallard
Cindy Meadows
Hal Norman
Candice Trummell
2023StandingEstablished by the MALA Board at the December 2023 Meeting.
Common Areas & FacilitiesAlan Weyman*StandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
Community EventsNot ActiveStandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
Computers, Website, & IT SecurityHal Norman*
Marc Carney
Jim Gordon
StandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
Deer ControlKent Galvin*StandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
ExecutiveRick Baldwin
Rusty Bishop
Annie Hensley
Carol Brown
1976StandingEstablished by Bylaws: President, Vice President, Treasurer & Secretary
GovernanceNot Active2005StandingEstablished by MALA Board on Oct 11, 2005
NominatingChair: Rusty Bishop
Members: Entire Board
1976StandingEstablished by Bylaws
Political and EnvironmentalNot ActiveStandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
Roads & MaintenanceMike Gupton*
Kent Galvin
1976StandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
SecurityDavid Hammer*1976StandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
WebsiteHal Norman*1999StandingEstablished by previous MALA Board.
Nonelected Positions (Appointed by Board or Described in Bylaws)
Assistant TreasurerKathy ComptonPermanentBylaws
Assistant Database TreasurerPaula BerriosPermanentBylaws
MALA HistorianVacant2019BoardEstablished by previous MALA Board.
Parliamentarian Lucky CovatiPermanentBylaws