Website Feature: Covenants and Plat Maps are Available for All Major Areas in Merifield! Locate yours on the Covenant page under the HOA Menu Item

The old Covenant Page listed only a prototype for the Merifield Acres, Inc. (MAI) Covenants which were mostly issued from 1976-1979. The new Covenants Page links to covenants and plats for each unit of MAI, plus those for Fielding, Holly Park, and MF1 (tip of West Point Drive). You may download any of the documents for your records. If you find an error, please use the Contact Us form to let us know. Enjoy!

One little catch: You must be logged in order to view the Covenant and Plat page! See elsewhere on this page how to create an account if you don’t already have one.

Protecting Yourself against Identity Theft

Marc Carney, a Merifield Acres resident and member of the Architectural Board has kindly written an article about the best way to prevent identity theft. An important read. Read now>

Please create your personal account on the MALA website!

Due to several phishing attacks and other security concerns, the Board has decided to limit access to certain sensitive information to subscribed members only. Personal accounts will now be needed to view certain material that the Board deems to be inappropriate for unrestricted viewing. This includes detailed financial information included in the meeting minutes, and any other information the Board decides to restrict to MALA members only.

Accordingly, our website has been redesigned to accommodate personal member accounts. Members will be able to create their own accounts, modify their user profiles, and reset their own passwords.

How to Register: Please go to in order to set up your account. Since we must verify that each account applicant is indeed a Merifield Acres resident or property owner, you will need to enter either your Merifield street address or your property lot and section number. Your email address will also be needed in order to send your login credentials and to communicate with you about your account. We will attempt to approve account applications within 24 hours, but that may not always be the case.

Accounts will be manually approved after verifying your property address with your email address that you have on file with MALA. If you have not given MALA an email address, additional verification will be required. When approved, you will be sent an email indicating that your account is active and you can then log in.

Please use the Contact Us page if you need to report any difficulty with your account or the site.

Please also reach us via the Contact Us form on this website if you have any content that you would like to share or see added to the site. We normally do not post advertisements unless they are part of a MALA-approved charity drive.

The Results of the 47th Annual Meeting

The 47th MALA Annual Meeting and Potluck Picnic was held on Saturday, October 14, 2023, with significantly larger attendance than in recent memory. A total of 92 properties were represented (some attendees own multiple properties). The Meeting quorum was 60 properties.We want to thank everyone for the great attendance!
All Ballot items were passed:
  • The MALA Annual Budget
  • The MALA Bylaws Amendment
  • The MALA Road Budget
  • The Pickleball/Tennis Court Renewal
The following candidates were elected to the Board by ballot (either mailed in or brought to the meeting):
  • Rick Baldwin*
  • Philip Beck*
  • Paula Berrios
  • Lucky Covati
  • Sydney Jeffrey
  • Steve Lilyquist
*Incumbent candidates
The Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting was marred by improper procedures, including the failure to open the floor for nominations. As a result, three Board Members petitioned for an emergency Board Meeting, which was held the Tuesday evening following the Annual Meeting. At this meeting, in which all 16 members* were present, the Board voted to annul the results of the Saturday Board Meeting. The Board then followed proper procedures to elect the Officers for the next year. The Membership was properly notified of this Meeting.
The Officers for the next year are:
  • Rick Baldwin, President
  • Rusty Bishop, Vice-President
  • Annie Hensley, Treasurer
  • Carol Brown, Secretary
*Three seats are currently vacant.

Please use the Contact Us form if you have any questions regarding the meeting.

Important Notice to Anyone Having an Account on this Website

If you have created an account on, please be aware that your email address is the key to being able to self-reset your password should that become necessary. Before you abandon an old email address, you can log into the website, go to your profile page, and change your email address to your new one. If you abandon your old email address before doing this, then you will need to use the website contact form to submit an email change request for the administrator. If you have changed your email address in the past without realizing this, then you may use the contact form. Since the contact form does not require you to be logged into your account, all password change requests submitted that way will need to be verified through your phone number listed on the account. For this reason, please also keep your phone number(s) up-to-date in your account profile.

Don’t have an account? Create one at the Registration Page. Legitimate requests for accounts will normally be approved within 24 hours or sooner.

NOTICE: The Merifield Acres Phone and Address Directory is Available Online!

The MALA directory is now available online to logged-in users only. This directory page sports a built-in search function that returns results as you type. You can search on any attribute (such as first name, phone number, street name, etc.). You may also sort the table by any column header as well.

We will be keeping this directory up to date, so it will have an advantage over the published directory (which is being sent to all recipients on the newsletter mailing list). Please send any updates via the Contact Us page.

If you click on the above link without being logged in, you will be directed to a page where you can either log in or register if you don’t yet have an account.

Other new features are coming that will require an account, so please sign up for one soon!

One final note: The directory likely will not render properly on small mobile devices, even though the website is now optimized for mobile devices.

Notice to Website Users

The personal account feature on the website is now active. Please sign up for an account soon since we will begin restricting some pages from public view, and you will need to be logged into your account to view them.

Approximately 85 members signed up for accounts years ago, but the accounts at that time were not used for anything. The feature has been significantly upgraded so that once your account is created, you will be able to maintain it yourself (such as password changes and profile updates). If you like, you will be able to upload a profile photo for your account.

If you have any problems establishing or logging into an account, please use the Contact Us feature to log a trouble report.

The Merifield Acres website has been updated to contain most of the last 44 annual meeting minutes for historical and research purposes. Annual meeting minutes now go back through the first one on September 19, 1977, held in Mary Fran Lewis’ home. Some early historical founding letters and documents have been added for those interested.

Merifield Acres encompasses some one-thousand acres on the peninsula formed by Buggs Island Lake (Kerr Reservoir) and Grassy Creek. There are some 12.5 miles of roads, 719 platted lots, and about 300 dwellings, a slight majority of which are full-time residences.  Covenants that mandate an annual assessment per lot govern most of these lots.  Merifield Acres lies completely within the confines of Mecklenburg County and lies five miles outside the town of Clarksville.