Please sign up for an account! If you had an account several years ago, you may log into it directly if you remember your password. If you have any problems, please use the Contact Us page for support.

Registration is currently enabled for all Merifield Acres residents and property owners. You must include either your property street address or lot and section number, and your current email address. When your information is verified, an email will be sent to you indicating that your account is active.

Due to recent security concerns, the Board has restricted access to some information on the site so it is not visible to the general public. As such, we now allow members to create individual accounts on the website.

As a registered user, you will have access to MALA’s financial reporting and any other posting that the Board would like to restrict to membership only.  If you do not log into your account, you will not be able to see any information that the Board deems sensitive, or the directory of users who have chosen to list their information in the members-only website directory.

Please review our Privacy Policy regarding information that you provide for the purpose of creating an account on this website. Thank you.

This field will be used to help validate your identity as a Merifield Acres Property owner. Do not include city, state, or zip code information. Additionally, you may optionally choose to share this information for the online Telephone Directory. Note: Holly Park, and MAI Units 1, 6, 10 and 11 have no section numbers.
Use approximate year if purchased more than 10 years ago. This field is REQUIRED.
You must provide your email address in order to complete the registration process.
Please provide this number so we can contact you to verify your eligibility for a Merifield Acres Property Owner's account. Additionally, you may choose to share this information in the site Telephone / Address directory to other logged in members. Your private information will not be publicly shared with unregistered site users. Please provide at least one phone number (either landline or mobile) in order for your registration to be completed.
Please provide this number so we can contact you to verify your eligibility for a Merifield Acres Property Owner's account. Additionally, you may choose to share this information in the site Telephone / Address directory to other logged in members. Your private information will not be publicly shared with unregistered site users. Please provide at least one phone number (either landline or mobile) in order for your registration to be completed.
If you have a website that you would like to share, please enter it here.

Please do not uncheck this box if you are already in the MALA directory and wish to remain listed. If this box is unchecked, your name will be submitted for removal from the directory. This setting is only read upon your initial registration; changing it later in your profile will have no effect as we are not notified of changes to this checkbox.

Maximum file size: 32 MB.

If you wish to read the privacy policy before checking the box below, you may click the policy link next to the box and it will open in a new tab. Your registration form will remain intact, ready for you to complete.

If you are returned to this page after pressing the Register button and there is no error message indicated, please press the Register button again (The software provider is working on this issue).

Notice: Accounts will be restricted to those who own or rent property in Merifield Acres. Some information will be required to confirm this. None of your information will be shared with anyone unless you opt in to allow your name, phone number(s), and Merifield Acres street address to be shown only to other registered users in the form of a directory. Please see our Privacy Policy.